Hello, my name is Sebastian

Mobile Developer

Experienced Android Developer with many years of proven success in analysis, design, development, testing, and implementation of a broad range of complex and innovative Android applications.

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Mobile Development

Coding, testing, debugging, documenting, and developing mobile experiences that work across various platforms (phones, tablets, etc.)

Arduino | Raspberry

Electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects.

3D Printing

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. Some examples below.

My Portfolio

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Useekbar is a library that provides custom seekbar UI components
Available on github

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Free link generator for app downloads on multiple platforms
Website available

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Boat Route

Boat route IOS application provides safe sail routes and available docking locations.
Available on app store.

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Boat Route

Boat route Android application provides safe sail routes and available docking locations.
Available on google store.

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IO Bluetooth Connect

Android application that allows any user to send commands to a bluetooth module | device.
Available on google store.

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Virtual Loyalty Cards

Android application that stores (Barcode | QR code) user loyalty cards only locally.
Available on google store.

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Smart Outlet - IOT

IOT project that contains and presents all the required components in order to switch on | off any device.
Available on github.

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EEZY Robotic Arm

3D printed Robotic Arm that uses stepper motors for precission and it's controlled by a Raspberry PI.
Available on github.

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Weather station

Weather station that dispalys temperature, sunrise, sunset data that is received from accuweather.
Available on github.

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[WIP] Raspberry Timelapse

Timelase device created using an raspberry pi, camera and 2 servo motors.
Available on github.

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Fun Bot

Project In Progress. Raspberry pi robot that is using the attached camera and can detect objects.
Available on github.

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Raspberry Camera Gimbal

Project created in order to allow a Raspberry PI camera to move 180° in the direction the user wants. Main useage for this project would be time lapse recording.
Available on github.

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Hexagon lights

The hexagon lights are the perfect 3d prints if you want to create a cozy environment with dim lights
Available on thingiverse.

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TFT Faces

Small project that displays different faces on a TFT screen using multiple geometrical shapes.
Available on github.

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Android status

Android 3D model, that has only one purpose, to show the user the status using signs attached to his hands.
Available on github.

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Raspberry pi PCA9865 Holder

Two holder 3D models for Raspberry Pi and PCA9865 servo motor 16-channel controller.
Available on thingiverse.

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MOONSHOT - GameJam2020

Unity game created during the GameOff Jam, hosted on itch.io.
Available on itch.io

My Profile

NameManolescu Sebastian




Different topics that I've found useful

Design patterns

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